Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Un-Decorating
Every year the church has asked for volunteers to help with the project, but invariably the only people who show up are Tammy, Ralph, and Pastor O’Donnell. Normally this was fine with the pastor. It meant more of Tammy’s goodies for him. Last year the church brought on a new young Associate Pastor named Michelle Tellum who felt obliged to help with the un-decorating as well, but O’Donnell didn’t mind because she didn’t eat much. Unfortunately this year she also brought her boyfriend, Ian, and he could eat quite a bit.
To everyone’s surprise one other volunteer showed up as well: Missy Moore, a heavyset woman in her forties. As she dug into a piece of Tammy’s pumpkin pie, she explained that she thought the clean up project would help her burn off all those Christmas calories.
“With so many hands we’ll be done in no time,” Tammy said.
O’Donnell agreed that was a plus, but he was concerned because there were only two pieces of pumpkin pie left. O’Donnell loved Tammy’s pumpkin pie, but wanted to save a slice for when they had finished with the work. And the way Ian was digging into a hunk of leftover fruitcake, O’Donnell didn’t think he could count on the pie lasting that long. So while Tammy was assigning duties to the others, O’Donnell slipped a slice of pie onto a paper plate and stuck it under a pew on the left side of the church.
Tammy was determined to keep the decorations organized this year. She’d listed each type of decoration and assigned it a box, which she had numbered. As things were packed away, she would check them off on her chart. Hopefully that chart would allow her to quickly find things when it came time to decorate next year.
Most of the others tried to follow Tammy’s instructions diligently, but she was usually unsatisfied with the way they folded this or coiled that. However she was too polite to criticize so she would often just surreptitiously repack the items when nobody was looking. After all, everything had to be just so or it wouldn’t fit neatly in the designated boxes.
Ralph was the most rebellious of the volunteers. When he saw something that needed done, he tended to just do it rather than waiting for directions. So he frequently brought things to Tammy that she wanted at the top of a box before the things that belonged on the bottom were packed.
About twenty minutes into the project, O’Donnell saw Ralph carrying a twenty-foot ladder into the sanctuary. “What are you going to do with that?” O’Donnell asked.
“Take down the Advent wall hangings,” Ralph replied.
“That’s a two man job,” O’Donnell said. “I don’t want you climbing up there yourself.”
“Fine,” Ralph grumbled. “You can climb the ladder while I hold it steady. Then you can pass the hangings down to me. Okay?”
“Okay,” O’Donnell said, not quite sure how he’d volunteered to climb a twenty foot ladder. He wasn’t good with heights.
Meanwhile, Michelle, Ian and Missy were taking down the decorations on the two trees that had been put up in the chancel. What they didn’t know was that Bart, a bat who usually lived in the church’s bell tower, had taken up temporary residence in the left tree and was currently fast asleep on one of the inside branches near the top.
Michelle climbed up on a step stool to reach the string of lights wrapped around the top of the tree. As she started unwinding them, she woke Bart up. Startled at the unexpected disturbance, he flew out right in front of her face.
“A bat!” Michelle screeched. It was her first encounter with Bart. She instinctively vaulted backwards, spun in midair, cleared the railing at the edge of the chancel and landed on the front pew. Ian, who was watching from under the piano where he’d dived when Michelle had yelled, thought his girlfriend might have broken some kind of long jump record. As she leaped from pew to pew, her hands fluttering about her ears, he wondered if she was planning to go for a hurdles record as well.
If she was, she failed. On her third jump her toes caught the back of a pew, tripping her. She flew through the air toward Ralph and the ladder. Ralph caught her, preventing a disaster.
Unfortunately disaster turned out to be only delayed. O’Donnell had turned at the commotion and discovered the panicked bat was flying straight toward him. He ducked instinctively, throwing the ladder off balance. Without Ralph steadying it, it began to lean.
O’Donnell realized the ladder was going to fall. He reached out and grabbed the nearest handhold – a light fixture hanging from the rafter beams by a three foot chain. He clung to it as the ladder fell out from under him.
O’Donnell was almost as surprised to find himself uninjured as he was to find himself hanging from a light fixture twenty feet in the air. Then a creaking sound drew his attention upward. He could see the three screws attaching the chain to the rafter slowly pulling loose from the wood.
Fortunately, Tammy had kept her head in the chaos. She tossed aside her chart and sprinted over to the ladder. Meanwhile, O’Donnell’s eyes were fixed on those screws working their way millimeter by millimeter out of the beam. He wasn’t even aware that Tammy had righted the ladder under him until she called his name.
O’Donnell stepped onto the ladder with indescribable relief. He made his way down, step by step, his hands trembling. He was greeted by Michelle. “I’m so, so sorry,” she said. “I guess I have a little phobia about bats.”
“Don’t worry about it,” O’Donnell said, just happy to be back on solid ground.
“Did anybody see where it went?” Ian called from under the piano.
They all looked around but Bart the bat seemed to have vanished.
O’Donnell decided it was time for his pie. But when he crouched down to get it, he was startled to discover Bart had beaten him to it. The little bat was lapping at the pumpkin filling curiously. Bart ultimately decided it paled in comparison to a good housefly and took off, planning to relocate back to the belfry. The humans were causing too much of a ruckus in the sanctuary.
O’Donnell thought about what kind of germs bat saliva might contain, then thought about how those screws had been the only thing between him and a painful fall. He decided maybe he didn’t need the piece of pie after all and tossed it in the trash.
He rejoined the others who were excitedly analyzing every second of the brief adventure. Suddenly there was a loud crack above them. O’Donnell looked up and realized the light fixture screws had finally escaped from the rafter beam. Worse, Tammy was standing directly under the fixture. He grabbed her and pulled her aside just as the lamp plunged to the floor and shattered.
“Thank you,” Tammy gasped.
“One good rescue deserves another,” O’Donnell said.
The group finished their chores without further incident and Ian and Ralph took the boxes down to the storage room under the social hall. The following day, Tammy dropped by the O’Donnell residence with a fresh pumpkin pie as a reward for his gallant rescue.
A bit after that, Jose the janitor went into the sanctuary to clean up the broken glass from the fallen lamp. He discovered someone had left a piece of paper on one of the pews. It was full of itemized lists and codes. He didn’t really understand what it was referring to, but it looked important so he put it on Pastor O’Donnell’s desk. Over the next few months it became buried under mounds of paper.
When it came time to decorate the church for Christmas the following year the volunteers had to struggle through without Tammy’s chart. But at least there were no bat encounters.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Scott's First Christmas
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Boyers Buy A Tree
(Hear the story read by the author.)
In the town of Normal, Pennsylvania, there's a little church on the corner of Wilson and Elm. This year the church decided to start a Christmas Tree lot to raise money. Ralph Billings was in charge of running the lot and Henrietta Miggins was in charge of recruiting volunteers. So far Henrietta’s recruitment efforts had been quite successful. When the lot officially opened for business on the Sunday afternoon after Thanksgiving, she had Ralph, Pastor O’Donnell, Walter Tibble, Thad Wheeling and Missy Moore scheduled to work – though Walter didn’t show up, sending word that his back was hurting and he thought he better go home and lay down.
Missy arrived wearing jingle bell earrings and a sweater featuring a picture of a reindeer with a jingle bell sewn to its nose. “I love Christmas!” she announced as she jingled up to the card table that served as the lot’s base of operations.
“Apparently,” O’Donnell mumbled.
“I brought Christmas music,” Missy continued, her bells tinkling merrily as she set a small boom box on the table, “And Christmas cookies.”
She opened a tin full of brightly decorated sugar cookies. O’Donnell decided Missy’s Christmas mania definitely had its benefits as he helped himself to a tree shaped cookie.
And then he took a bite. It seemed what he had thought was a sugar cookie was actually made of granite with cement frosting. He managed to chew and swallow that first bite but feared it might have cost him a visit to the dentist the next day.
While Missy went to find an extension cord for her boom box, O’Donnell ditched the cookie in some bushes. He noticed the other volunteers were finding similar hiding places for their cookies as well.
When Missy returned they all complimented her on her baking skills. She put on her first CD. It was an album of fifteen different versions of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. “Isn’t that clever,” Missy asked as a calypso version played. “Who would have thought that song could be done in so many different ways?”
Certainly not Pastor O’Donnell.
Ralph declared the lot open for business at noon. Their first customers were the Boyer family: Kevin, Jill and their daughters Mary, age four, and Susie, age two. Jill was hosting the Women's Group Christmas Party this year. It was a big responsibility so she determined to get everything done as early as possible for the holiday season. Her plan included getting her tree as soon as she could.
Unfortunately the members of the Boyer family all had different criteria when evaluating the trees. Jill wanted a perfectly formed tree. Mary and Susie wanted the biggest tree on the lot so Santa could fit lots of presents under it. Kevin just didn’t want to spend a bunch of money on something they’d throw away in a month. It turned out to be quite difficult to find a tree that fulfilled all of those requirements.
The trees were arranged in rows organized by height and type. Mary and Susie immediately ran to the back row where the eight-foot and over trees were kept. “Those won’t fit in our living room,” Kevin called as he moved to the four and five foot Douglas firs.
“I think Nobles are prettier,” Jill said, heading toward the other side of the lot.
“But they’re more expensive,” Kevin replied. “Let’s see if we can find a Douglas that you like first.”
Ralph and Thad were in back making fresh cuts to the bottoms of trees waiting to be mounted in stands, while Missy filled the stands of the trees already on display with a hose. That left Pastor O’Donnell to assist the customers. “Do you have any questions?” he asked Kevin.
“Not yet,” Kevin replied. “I have a feeling this might take a while,”
“Just let me know if there’s anything I can do,” O’Donnell said and returned to the card table.
Jill had Kevin bring likely candidates out into the aisle so she could observe them from every angle. Whenever she seemed to be fixating on a particularly expensive tree, he would note that it appeared to be leaning one way or another and urge her to keep looking. The girls pouted whenever the adults considered anything that was less than seven feet.
After about forty-five minutes Jill had found a tree she thought was just about perfect. It was a more expensive Noble fir, but Kevin was pleased it was only five feet tall. The girls wailed and cried but Kevin assured them Santa would figure out a way to stuff plenty of presents under it. Jill had Kevin turn the tree this way and that as she did a final inspection to make sure there were no holes or bent branches.
Mary sat on the ground pouting and debating whether a bicycle would fit under the tree if Santa laid it on its side. Then she noticed something moving on one of the branches. She jumped to her feet and yelled, “Spider!”
“Where?” Kevin screamed in a high-pitched voice. He leapt back, releasing his grip on the tree. It fell backwards, striking the row of trees behind it. One by one they tipped over like dominos. One of them bumped Missy, causing her to stumble and lose control of the hose. The icy stream of water arced into the air and hit O’Donnell in the back of the head. O’Donnell’s screams were even higher pitched than Kevin’s as the water ran down the back of his shirt.
Missy stepped on the spider, thereby completely destroying any remaining semblance of Kevin’s manliness. He picked the tree back up and apologized for the mess.
“No problem,” Missy said brightly and proceeded to right the other fallen trees.
“Oh no,” Jill whispered to her husband. “When you dropped the tree, the branches on that side kind of got crushed. We better find another one.”
Kevin moaned.
Thirty minutes later Jill had settled on a new tree. It was seven feet tall, which pleased the girls. By that time Kevin would have happily paid a hundred dollars for a potted begonia. Since O’Donnell was still inside drying off, Ralph made the transaction. He offered to put a fresh cut on the tree, but Kevin just wanted to pay and get out of there.
Ralph happily entered the sale in the brand new ledger he’d bought for the lot. For the next several hours that was the only entry in that lovely ledger.
“Don’t worry,” Missy Moore said, wiping her brow. The day was turning out to be a little warm for her reindeer sweater. “I’m sure sales will pick up as Christmas gets closer!”
O’Donnell hoped she was right, though he wasn’t sure he would live to find out. The last version of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer on Missy’s album, a novelty take done with synthesized bird tweets, was making him a bit suicidal.
Read what happens next at the Christmas Tree Lot in the book available on!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Laity Sunday
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Pumpkin Carving
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Runaway
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Best Annual Meeting Ever
Hear the story read by the author.
In the town of Normal, Pennsylvania, there’s a little church at the corner of Wilson and Elm. Like most churches, this one has an all-church annual meeting to elect committee members and hear reports from committee chairs. And like most churches it is difficult to get many people from the congregation to attend. Who could blame them? Annual meetings are universally tedious.
But this year Senior Pastor Henry O’Donnell had an idea to lure a bigger crowd. They would make it a luncheon. Free food always increased participation in church events, no matter how tedious.
When O’Donnell brought up the idea to Florence Barker, head of the pastor-parish committee, she took to it immediately. At seventy-eight Florence was one of the senior members of the church, but age hadn’t slowed her down in the slightest. She even offered to coordinate the food for the luncheon. O’Donnell had envisioned something simple like pasta or a six-foot submarine sandwich, but Florence thought they needed a theme. “How about a Biblical Times luncheon?” she suggested. The pastor agreed it was an excellent idea.
O’Donnell scheduled the luncheon for noon on a Sunday so that he could boost attendance by applying guilt as people left worship. He also enlisted Sunday school teacher Karen Winslow to supervise a kids’ table for the younger children hoping that would be added incentive for the parents to stick around. The result was the best attended annual meeting to date.
O’Donnell had spent the previous week coming up with his own way to embrace Florence’s theme. So when it came time to welcome everyone, he stepped out of the church office dressed in an authentic period shepherd’s outfit consisting of a robe, sandals, rope belt and staff.
The costume got the amused attention O’Donnell had hoped for. He opened the meeting with a brief lecture about the culture of Jesus’ time. “Brief” by pastors’ standards, that is. But the attendees listened politely for the entire ten minutes. Finally O’Donnell delivered a blessing and then invited everyone to help themselves to the buffet.
Florence and her volunteer assistants had prepared pita bread and hummus, tabouli salad, stuffed grape leaves, olives, dates, rice, and lamb kebabs. Though in Jesus’ time meals were typically accompanied by wine, it was agreed that grape juice would make a better substitute. There was also ambrosia salad. It wasn’t true to the theme, but somehow no church meal was ever complete without ambrosia salad.
Over at the designated kids’ table, Karen did her best to keep the ravenous little beasts at bay while the adults filled their plates first. Once everyone over the age of twelve had a shot at the buffet, the youngsters were turned loose. Typical for children their age, they avoided the more unfamiliar foods, focusing on the pita bread and ambrosia salad. But Karen made sure they each took a little of everything and didn’t overdose on ambrosia.
Unlike the designated kids’ table, there was no designated senior citizens’ table. But one emerged anyway. Seventy-year-old Henrietta Miggins, seventy-three-year-old Celia Simmons and seventy-five-year-old Betsy Davis, collectively known around the church as the “Little Old Ladies,” chose a table near the microphone and were joined by eighty-six-year-old Donald East.
Florence, though from the same generation, was not part of the Little Old Ladies. She considered them fuddy-duddies and they found her a bit too free spirited for their tastes. But Florence joined their table anyway once her chores in the kitchen were finished.
“Look at those kids,” Florence said, gesturing to the buffet as she sat down. “They’re having so much fun.”
“I suppose they are,” Henrietta replied. “And here I was thinking the annual meeting was supposed to be a serious affair.”
Two of the people O’Donnell had shanghaied after church were Kevin and Jill Boyer. Free food and guilt would not have enticed Kevin to stay when there was football on TV at home, but Jill was won over by the children’s’ table. She appreciated any break she could get from her daughters Mary and Susie.
Kevin and Jill sat with Carrie and Carlos Winslow and their baby boy, Scott. Carrie was Karen Winslow’s daughter. Carrie’s father, Del was sitting at the next table over, his back to them. Across from Del was Ralph Billings. Del was complaining to Ralph about how his wife never got to enjoy these events because she was always saddled watching “that unruly gang of kids.” Del had a deep voice that easily carried to Kevin and Jill, whose kids were among those Del was referring to, but they pretended not to hear. After all, he wasn’t wrong.
Aware that once the eating was done people would find excuses to leave, Pastor O’Donnell opened the business part of the meeting as soon as Karen had the kids seated again. First on the agenda, each committee chair came up in turn to report on their committee’s activities. The reports were universally upbeat, self-congratulatory, and overly long.
While Henrietta was giving the Trustees report, over at the kids’ table four-year-old Mary Boyer picked up a date and quietly asked, “what’s this” to nobody in particular.
Six-year-old Tyler Park answered, “it’s a boiled caterpillar cocoon.”
“Is not,” Mary shot back.
“Sure is,” Tyler said. “They collect them in the desert around Bethlehem. It’s what the three wise men ate when they were going to see Jesus.”
“Eeeewwww,” Mary said.
“That’s not true,” Becky interjected. At twelve she was really too old for the kids’ table but she found sitting there just barely preferable to sitting with her parents. In her mind she was helping Karen supervise the children. “It’s a date,” Becky continued. “It’s a kind of fruit.”
Tyler responded by throwing his date at Becky.
Becky turned to Karen and said, rather loudly, “Tyler threw a date at me!”
Up at the front of the room Henrietta stopped mid-sentence to glare at the interruption.
“Tyler, don’t throw food,” Karen commanded. She gave Henrietta an apologetic look. Henrietta sniffed and continued her report.
As soon as Karen’s attention was otherwise occupied, Tyler bounced an olive off of Becky’s nose. “Tattle Tale,” he hissed.
Becky picked up the olive and hurled it back at him. It went down his shirt. Mary thought all this looked like great fun. She grabbed a handful of tabouli and threw it at Tyler. Tyler winged a stuffed grape leaf at Mary in response. He missed, and the biblical delicacy landed in the middle of the old people’s table.
“Enough!” Karen shouted. “You kids quit goofing around and eat your lunch. We have important church business to do here today. The next one who throws anything is going to be sorry. Am I clear?”
The children slumped silently in their chairs.
And then an olive hit Karen in the ear.
Everyone was too startled to react at first. The olive came from the direction of the old people’s table. Karen looked over and saw Florence Barker grinning from ear to ear.
The kids’ table erupted in flying food.
Del Winslow shook his head at the sight and said, “This wouldn’t happen if parents today knew how to discipline their kids.”
Behind him, Carrie noticed that Jill Boyer’s face reddened. “I’ll go get Mary,” Jill mumbled to her husband.
Carrie thought back to all the trouble she had caused as a kid and decided her father’s judgmental tone was uncalled for. So she hurled a piece of pita bread at the back of his head. Del spun around, sputtering indignantly. Carrie tossed another piece of bread. Del ducked. The bread hit Ralph Billings.
In short order half of the adults had joined the kids in the food fight.
Up at the front of the room Henrietta looked like she was about to explode. Pastor O’Donnell stepped forward and raised his staff. “Stop this!” he commanded, looking a little like Moses reprimanding the fractious Israelites. He was rewarded by a glob of hummus that smacked him square in the chest. This was followed by a shower of olives, dates, rice, tabouli and ambrosia salad. O’Donnell was forced to retreat to the church office. The Israelites were models of obedience compared to the congregation of the little church.
About ten minutes later the more sober adults had finally managed to bring the food fight to a halt. It was decided that perhaps the children should play outside during the remainder of the meeting.
With a more dignified atmosphere restored, voting commenced to elect new committee members where needed and reelect those who wished to continue in their roles. The voting went quickly since there was only one candidate for each position. It was hard enough finding one person to take on each job without recruiting opposing candidates as well.
After O’Donnell declared the meeting over and delivered a final prayer, Florence leaned back and said, “best annual meeting ever if I do say so myself.”
Henrietta stood up and patted her on the shoulder. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Have fun with the clean-up.”